Details of V-Guard centres run by Carmelite Fathers, Tamil Nadu Province. The words of Jesus for his kingdom praxis are a need of our human society and it must be our deeds. Having this great objective for the greater glory of God, we, the Carmelites of Tamil Nadu province have a special preference for the well-being of the people of out-casted, pressed and thrown to the edge by socio- economical crisis in our society. The development of the individual can give a helping hand to the development of a family. Women are helpless from the time of Jesus. But they must be recognized. Because they are also creation of God, takes part in the fulfillment of kingdom of God. To develop the economical status and skills of the women, we have created a ground through V-Guard centre. We have three V-Guard centre in our Province respectively Narasinganur belongs to Pondy-cuddalore Diocese, Thuckalay – Kottar Diocese, Thummichinampatty- Madurai Diocese.
Carmelite father’s ministry is lighting a lamp in the life of poor people to dispel the darkness of their economical status and reduce the burden of the family economically. Around 250 people are being helped by this V-Guard centre. This centre was inaugurated on 20 December 2006, Fr. Nesamony OCD and Fr. Aloysius Babu OCD are the pioneers of the centre, Fr. Lazar OCD and Fr. Dennison OCD succeeded them. Fr. V. Arulappan OCD is the priest in-charge of the centre now. Name of the centre is “VIDIYAL”
Our service to the people and their needs are remarkable. V-Guard centre in Thuckalay is dedicated to Los Andes Theresa. The foundation was laid on 12th November 1992 and inaugurated on 14th December 1994. Fr. Thivyanandam OCD, Fr.Savariyar OCD , Fr.Stephen Babu OCD and Fr. James OCD were priests in charge of the centre. Around 300 girls profit by this centre. At present, Fr. Ignaci Muthu OCD is the priest in-charge of the centre.