Past Provincials
Tamil Nadu General Delegation reached a new era of growth, it was raised to the status of a Commissariat on 17 September, 1990. On 19 March, 1993, Tamil Nadu Carmelite Commissariat was declared a full-fledged Province under the patronage of St. Joseph by Very Fr. Peter Soosai Raj OCD was elected as the first Provincial in April 1993 then followed by Fr. Arul Raj OCD(1996-99), Fr. Perianayagam OCD(1999-2002), Fr. Peter Soosai Raj OCD(2002-05), Fr. A. Maria David OCD(2005-08), Fr. Perianayagam OCD(2008-09), Fr. M.T. Louis Raj OCD(2009-12), Fr. Dominic Nirmal Kumar OCD(2012-13), Fr. Soosai Rethinam OCD (2013-14), Fr. Benjamin Franklin OCD (2014-2017) and Fr. Arulraj OCD (2017-2020). Fr. Nesamony OCD (2020- 2023) have served the Province as Provincial Superiors. On 2nd May 2023, Fr. Jeyaraju OCD was elected as Provincial Superior in the 10th Ordinary Provincial Chapter held at our Carmelite Provincial House, Manikandam,Trichy.