The Discalced Carmelite Multipupose Social Service Society ( DCMSSS)
Sigaram, DCMSS,
Carmel Campus,
The Discalced Carmelite Multipurpose Social Service Society (DCMSSS) was established on 18th September 2000. The office of the society is situated under the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Societies, Tiruchirappalli. The normal business hour of the society is from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM on all working days.
Objectives of the Society
- To start, establish, equip and run without profit motive, Hospitals, dispensaries, clinic, maternity home, for the aged, Home for the children, crèches, orphanages, boarding house, youth centres, tailoring, handicrafts, free tuition centres for the benefit of all, irrespective of race, caste, community, religion or social status.
- To start, establish, equip and run for the benefit of the Catholics and others as well, irrespective of race, caste, community, religion or social status, churches educational institutions, formal, non-formal, for the diffusion of useful knowledge, cultural scientific, technical or social and to apply for and to obtain for them. Wherever necessary, either recognition from the government or university, educational or other authorities as the case may be.
- To establish and carry out such or the activities to provide for relief of the poor, education, medical relief and the advancement of any other object for the benefit of general public without distinction, of race, caste, community, religion or social status.
- To select promoting youth, to equip them with sound spiritual temporal, cultural, scientific, technical and social knowledge for a period of time, instilling in them the qualities of good leadership so that they may in turn continue the work of serving the poor and the needy.
- To subscribe of give donations to and financially or otherwise to aid any other societies/institutions having charity, education, or social services as its primary objectives.
- To provide relief either in cash or in kind to public in general and especially those affected by riots, floods, famines, fire, epidemics, droughts or other calamities.
- To carryout objectives of general public utility and security such as village upliftment, rural re-construction, public health and hygiene, community development, welfare of women and children, promotion of cottage industries and to start, establish, conduct, take over, maintain, manage and help any institutions considered necessary to secure these objectives.
- To organize talks, seminars, camps, dramas and other programmes and to print, publish pamphlets, booklets etc., to educate the public about social, moral values, AIDS awareness, family planning and the like.
- The activities of the society will not be called outside of India.
- It is declared that the benefit of the society is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, sex, colour, religion, community, etc. Such other activities are carried out which are conducive or incidental for achieving the aforesaid objectives without profit motive