Tamilnadu Discalced Carmelites, OCD

Carmel Theological College, Edamalaipatty Pudur

Carmel Theological College,
Edamalaipatty Pudur,
Tiruchirappalli- 620 012
Tamil Nadu, India.

Tel (House) 0431 – 2471 201
Tel (Students) 0431 – 2471 350
Tel (School) 0431 – 2472 313
E-Mail ctcedp12@yahoo.com
Status Study House & Parish
Patrons St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross
Foundation 1981
Diocese Tiruchirappalli
Activities Formation & Pastoral Activities


S.No Members
1Fr. Antony Irudayaraj OCD Rector & Parish Priest
2Fr. A. Jeyaseelan OCD Master & 1st Discreet
3Fr. Joseph Raveendran OCD DCMSSS Director
4Fr. Brigith OCD Correspondent
5Fr. Sebastian Ignaci OCD DCMSSS Assistant
6Fr. Perianayagam OCD Member
7Fr. A. Amalraj OCD Member
8Br. Rajamani OCD Member

Contact persons

Theology (Edamalaipattypudur)

Carmel Theological College,
Edamalaipatty Pudur,
Tiruchirappalli- 620 012
Tamil Nadu, South India

Tel (House) - 0431 – 2471 201
Tel (Students) - 0431 – 2471 350
E-mail: ctcedp12@yahoo.com

Rev. Fr. Antony Irudayaraj OCD – Rector

Mobile: 0091-9443611360
Email: aairaj69@gmail.com

Rev. Fr. A. Jeyaseelan OCD - Master of Theology Students

Mobile: 0091-994598592
Email: jayaocd@gmail.com